American LaFrance Pumper (1946) Datasheet

Manufactor: American LaFrance Foamite Corp. (a.k.a. ALF)
Model: B-550-CC-12 Scout Pumper
Type:  “Invader” 500-Series Pumper
Build: 1946
Registed No. (VIN): L2378


Style: Closed three-man Cab
Cabin Manufactor:  International Harvester (IHC)
Design-Type: Art-Deco


Type: Junior V-12 (Type F) Flathead
Displacement / Power:   491cui (8046ccm) / 190hp
Carburetors:  one
Engine No.: B F3928
Specififation: Dual Ignition
Firing-Order:     1L-2R-5L-4R-3L-1R-6L-5R-2L-3R-4L-6R
Notes: These engines were originally Lycoming’s (Lycoming Manufacturing Company) which were built for and used in the 1930s Auburn Speedsters. American LaFrance started using them and when Auburn went out of business, American LaFrance bought the rights to the engines, made some small changes and it then became an American LaFrance engine.


Pumping capacity: 500 gpm (US-Gallons per minute)  =  1892,7 Litre/min
(Note:  1 US-Gallon = 3,785 Litre)


Placed in Town: West Hempfield Townshop
Fire Department: Ironville Fire Company
(Now: West Hempfield Fire & Rescue Company (WHFR) – This was formed on January 1, 2000 following a consolidation of the fire service companies of Ironville and Silver Spring. )


1965 registred in Commenwealth of Pennsylvania
1987 imported from Hummelstown Pennsylvania to the Nederlands
2020-06-06 imported to Germany




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